The Future of Landscape-Scale Conservation in Europe
Part of the Bristol 2015 Nature and Wellbeing Summit
4-5th March
Gwent Levels (full day)
Delegates joined the partnership team developing an ambitious Heritage Lottery Fund landscape partnership application to deliver habitat restoration, improved access and public engagement in one of the most distinctive and historic landscapes in South Wales. Sites visited included Magor Marsh and Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve.
Somerset Levels and Moors (full day)
RSPB and Somerset Wildlife Trust introduced delegates to the Somerset Levels and Moors. This large floodplain wetland is steeped in history and became famous in the UK after major floods in early 2014. Its watery fields are home to vast wintering flocks of waders and wildfowl and other rich environmental assets including the Avalon Marshes with their extensive reed beds, fabulous nature reserves and other exciting pro-nature projects.
Bennett’s Patch and White’s Paddock (half day)
This visit gave delegates an opportunity to visit Avon Wildlife Trust’s newest nature reserve: Bennett’s Patch and White’s Paddock, in the Avon Gorge. Delegates learned about the Trust's landscape-scale habitat connectivity work, both urban and rural. Avon Wildlife Trust is working with Bristol's communities to transform a neglected former sports facility into a wildlife haven of wildflower meadows, native woodland and ponds as part of celebrations marking Bristol’s year as European Green Capital during 2015. The Avon Gorge is an essential wildlife corridor for foraging species including several species of bat, and is home to badgers, hedgehogs, slow worms and some truly unique plant species. The site is part of the Trust's plan to create wildlife corridors across the city (My Wild City) and across the West of England (B-Lines).